Dry Mix for Self Smoothing Flooring Screed VIPOL

Dry Mix for Self Smoothing Flooring Screed «VIPOL»

Insulation screed «VIPOL» - insulation material based on cement, polymer additives and complex special porous concrete block filler. It is designed for thick leveling base. In view of its own sufficient strength does not require an additional layer of heavy-duty cable ties. Save time carrying out works in comparison to conventional EPS based on the ties. Insulation VIPOL floor has a light weight, ultra-low flow (1,1 - 1,3 kg on 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm), provides a minimum load on the foundation and provides better heat and zvukozaschitu compared with insulating concrete. Used for all internal and external works to heat and sound insulation cement, concrete or reinforced floor.

environmentally friendly material. In contrast to the ties on the basis of polystyrene beads, does not contain flammable and toxic materials that can be used in areas with increased demand for fire safety. Apply manual and mechanized way.

used as heat and sound insulation material for insulating the floor balconies, terraces and other places where it is necessary to provide a basis for further insulation walking load. Excellent material for thermal protection and soundproofing the floor in an apartment on any floor. The ideal floor insulation of the ground floor. A small proportion makes it an excellent thermal insulation, or wood frame house, skyscraper, more than 2-fold by reducing the load on the walls and foundations compared to conventional cement screed.

Tie «VIPOL» is also used:

Preparation of the base.
Concrete or cement base should be "age" of not less than 28 days, the temperature not lower than +5 ° C. All construction joints, seams, cracks, holes should be patched. The surface of the substrate must be cleaned from dust, dirt, oil and bitumen stains, paints, etc. Before carrying out the work, the foundation must be moistened with water or primed.

Preparation of solutions.
The contents of the bag is completely emptied into a bucket of water, according to the calculated parameters, and stir in the 6-8 min solution prior to the acquisition of a dense, viscous, homogeneous state. The resulting solution stand for 5-10 minutes and stir again. The prepared solution is recommended for 4 hours.

On the prepared surface with the desired set beacons interval. The finished solution is applied to the base layer of 20-300 mm, and even rule on the beacons. During the period of work hardening, and sex, to prevent drafts, direct sunlight, abrupt change in temperature and humidity conditions. Air and substrate temperature should be between +5 ° C to 30 ° C. Walk on the coating can be no earlier than 48 hours.

To ensure the necessary strength for walking load recommended thickness of finishing layer VIPOL ties should be at least 30mm for hard flooring (mosaic tiles, parquet, laminate, etc.) and not less than 40 mm for soft floor coverings (carpet, linoleum, cork cover, etc.). Ceramic tile and porcelain tiles are laid on grounds without a topcoat.

The main advantages:

With all these advantages we can offer low price, as well as shipping by rail, by road to their own customers in the store soon.

Along with the conventional technology devices subfloor, there is a technology that is not associated with "wet" process. Our company offers DRY Backfilling KOMPEVIT for precast floor KNAUF own production.

Packaging and shelf life.

Shelf life: 6 months in original packaging in a dry ventilated area.

Heat and sound insulation comes in a mixture of Vipol kraft bags of 15 kg.
Laying on a pallet 66 bags (990kg.)


Technical characteristics
IndicatorAs a result of the test
1. Mobility 4-8cm
2. The average density of not more than 1200 kg/m3
3. Humidity no more 0,4%
4. Frost resistance, cycles 75
5. Coefficient of thermal conductivity 0,2-0,204 W/m0С
6. Index of airborne sound insulation at a thickness of 60 mm for reinforced concrete cover R=50 dB
7. The index of the maximum permissible noise impact under the ceiling Ln, w=60 dB
8. Flow rate of 1 mm thickness 1,1 – 1,3 kg/m2